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  • Writer's pictureTejas C

Real-time Software Development

Aim - Developed a model using TERRA-CSP, studied ROS-LUNA communication.

Developed a producer-consumer TERRA-CSP model, checked for deadlocks, if any.

Added necessary C++ code to send stream of data from producer to consumer.

Investigated model behavior for processes running in parallel & processing running alternatively.

Developed a TERRA application that uses a timer.

Extended previously-built producer-consumer model with an external timer port.

Developed a basic control loop system consisting of a sequence controller, loop controller & plant using CSP processes in TERRA.

Studied behavior of the control loop system, behavior of different processes, deadlocks, if any.

Added necessary C++ code to log intermediary information results in the control loop system.

Developed a ROS-ROS-LUNA-Bridge-LUNA application, one sending information, other receiving information.

Extended the application by allowing the LUNA part synchronize with an external timer, studied information exchange and deadlocks, if any.

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